Thursday, February 3, 2011

59. Create Folders In My Computer

Wanting to Add A Custom Folder To My Computer(Or The Desktop) then read along.This hack will create a custom folder?like the special My Documents folder?and one that cannot be deleted or renamed!


Create a new key with a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). The GUID is a 128-bit identifier that is usually generated by Windows. This should not be confused with UNIX's GID. This can be a random number that is used to uniquely identify COM objects when required for a Registry entry.

Examples of GUIDs are:

Now you need to perform the following to achieve . before you begin let me tell you how to create a Key/Subkey/Value. Just select the folder(hive) for which you want to create a subkey and right click on it and select "NEW">>>"KEY"

  • use a random GUID: {V5892e17-80f6-4756-8f0c-5f6c5227395e}.
    Hence, the key value will be
    Set the value of the (Default) setting for this key to the name of the folder.
  • Create a new sub-key under the main key and call it ?DefaultIcon?.
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ C L S I D \ ..........395e}\DefaultIcon
    Set the value of the (Default) setting to the location of the icon file(.ico) you want to use for this folder. If you don?t specify a icon, Windows will use its default folder icon.
  • Create another sub-key under the main key calledInProcServer32.
    HKEY_CL.................395e} \InProcServer32
    Set the (Default) setting here to shell32.dll .Create another String Value called ThreadingModel, with the value set toApartment.
  • Create another sub-key called
    HKEY_CL.................395e}\ Shell\Open My Folder\Command
    Set the (Default) value here to the command that should be executed when the folder is clicked. In this case, it would be ?explorer /root, c:\Folder_name_you_gave?
  • Create another set of sub-keys called
  • Then create another sub-key called
    Under this key, create a new Binary Value called Attributeswith the value ?00 00 00 00?.

To put the folder on the Desktop, add the following key:

To place the folder in My Computer, add the following key:

This is for win xp. You need to restart the computer for the change/effect to take place.

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